Many people probably hear a lot of news about the Arctic and the Northern Sea Route. This, however, may be a bit hard to grasp if one doesn't follow the events in the Northern region and doesn’t know anything particular about a trade route in the Arctic.
Another problem for the picture of the NSR on the map is that for quite a long time it was neglected in a policy. The situation, however, changes nowadays.
You can learn more about the Arctic in the article: Arctic News, Opinions and Articles
In addition, you may find our following articles on Arctic topics interesting:
Arctic films. Movies about the Arctic. Pictures of the North
Arctic games. Games about the Arctic
So, here is the Northern Sea Route on the map.
In general, the NSR is a trade route in the Arctic that connects different seaports from Murmansk in the West and Vladivostok in the East.
The most important seaports on the Arctic route are the following:
So, here is the Northern Sea Route on the map. You've probably noticed the strategic importance of this Arctic route because every port on the map connects other cities and towns of the Russian North and includes them into the trade network that works internationally.