
11th Session IMO Subcommittee on Pollution Prevention & Response 


On February 19th, the 11th session of the IMO Subcommittee on Pollution Prevention and Response commences its proceedings. The agenda for this session includes discussions on various critical maritime issues:

-    Exhaust gas cleaning systems (Scrubbers);

-    Black carbon and its emissions from vessels in the Arctic, believed to contribute to the melting of the Arctic ice cap;

 -   Amendments to Annex II of MARPOL aimed at improving the efficiency of cleaning cargo tanks, tank washing operations, and pre-washing procedures for cargoes with high melting temperatures and high density;

 -   Development of recommendations for cleaning the underwater hull of vessels;

 -   Development of recommendations for local-level responses to oil spills;

-    Development of recommendations to reduce the risks associated with the use of heavy fuel oil in vessels navigating Arctic waters;

 -   Review of Annex IV to MARPOL concerning sewage pollution;

 -   Maritime plastic debris (including remnants of fishing nets and plastic pellets) – formulation of requirements and recommendations for addressing this issue.

The session underscores the subcommittee's commitment to address environmental challenges in the maritime industry and to develop effective measures for pollution prevention and response.

Based on the post of TG-channel "IMO Chronicles"
