
A Recent Polish Expedition Clarified the Impact of the Baltic Sea on the Arctic


Photo: Polish research vessel Oceanograph

Poland has noticeably increased its research in the Arctic in recent years. Analysis of samples collected during the annual AREX scientific expedition will facilitate investigation of the impact of the Baltic Sea on the Arctic ecosystem. This is the 38th Arctic expedition of Polish scientists led by the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Less saline than Arctic waters, the Baltic Sea influences the circulation and freezing of waters in coastal areas of the Barents Sea and transport pollutants, nutrients and planktonic organisms.

Daniel Ruk of the Observational Oceanography Laboratory, a member of the Oceania research group, says that the first stage of the AREX 2024 expedition, which ended on June 20 this year, “symbolically lays the foundation for research into the interaction of the Baltic Sea and the Arctic.” This stage included comprehensive hydrological and atmospheric studies along the route from the Baltic Sea to the Norwegian Sea.

The first stage of the AREX 2024 expedition involved a number of measurements covering environmental conditions such as temperature, salinity, oxygen saturation and nutrient concentrations, said Daniel Ruk.

It is mentioned that the expedition allowed to analyze the qualitative and quantitative composition of microplankton and mesozooplankton communities, and the content of individual chemical pollutants, such as mercury, phenols and microplastics.

Daniel Ruk noted that the work of the expedition does not end on board the ship.

In the longer term, we intend to conduct hydrodynamic modeling of surface water flow and satellite observations of suspended matter and chlorophyll. These activities will help us get a comprehensive image of the conditions that exist along the path of the flow of Baltic waters to the Arctic, the scientist emphasized.

Due to the fact that Baltic Sea waters are less saline than Arctic waters, they influence the circulation and freezing of coastal areas of the Barents Sea. They also transport pollutants, nutrients and planktonic organisms. Hydrodynamic measurements and modeling will allow to determine the exact route of movement of these waters and their mixing, he explained.

Daniel Ruk noted that this research expedition is not only an oceanographic activity, but also an opportunity to popularize science. To provide example, the scientist mentioned the Polish vessels R/V Oceania and R/V Oceanograph which were represented at the exhibition “The Female Image of the Sea”in Bodø, Norway.

AREX, or ARctic EXpedition, is an annual scientific expedition organized by the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IO PAN). Expeditions are carried out on board the research vessel Oceania. The goal of AREX is to conduct interdisciplinary research in the European part of the Arctic: in the seas of Northern Europe (Norwegian and Greenland Seas), Barents Sea, Fram Strait, in the Arctic Ocean and in the Svalbard fjords. Research covers a wide range of scientific fields, including physical, chemical, biological oceanography and climate research. AREX expeditions provide valuable data on the variability of the Arctic environment, which is critical for monitoring climate change and modeling processes occurring in the Arctic Ocean.

Source: Nauka w Polsce
