
A Time to Gather Stones: Petrozavodsk Shipyard to be Reconstructed

Onego Shipyard

Photo: Vedomosti

On the 20th of May, came the news that the Russian government will provide 2 billion rubles for the modernization of the Onego Shipyard located in Petrozavodsk. It will be the second stage of modernization which will “create conditions for building civilian vessels”.

The expected annual output of ships after the modernization is estimated at 10, compared to the current figure of 3 ships per year. Approximately, the modernization process will be finished in 2024-2025. 

The renewed shipyard will allow the maintenance of technical vessels such as tugboats, liquefied gas bunkers, pilot vessels and dredging vessels. One of the key points of reconstruction is the digitized shipbuilding process - mass-media adressess the facility as a “Digital Shipyard”.

The modernized shipyard will make river and sea navigation more secure and will support river navigation in the region and the Northern Sea route. 
Background: the Shipyard went bankrupt in 2012 because of the “disagreements between owners”. In 2015, the Onego Shipyard was bought and relaunched by the Onego Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant LTD. and later reorganized into a joint stock company in 2019.
