An oil tanker belonging to Azerbaijan is going through the NSR to China. This is the first time that a state from Transcaucasia has used the services of the Northern Sea Route.
Azerbaijan was forced to look for alternatives to Suez amid the recent events in the Red Sea related to the Houthi attacks. It is logical that the choice fell on the shortest route from Europe to Asia in the North. The route is especially relevant in the high season.
The tanker Prisma, launched in 2005, has the ability to pass the NSR with an icebreaker. The vessel loaded oil at the port of Primorsk and is currently navigating in the Kara Sea. The point of destination is China.
Azerbaijan is currently developing transport corridors that pass through its territory, while at the same time considering options of alternative routes. The NSR claims this role, primarily for Azerbaijani companies transporting goods from Russian ports to China.
In addition, the North-South international transport corridor, which is being actively developed by Azerbaijan and Russia, is expected to connect the Northern Sea Route with the Indian Ocean. Earlier, the Russian Federation called on friendly countries to jointly develop the NSR, implying year-round navigation in the medium term. Moscow offered services of the icebreakers, providing communication and supplies to the partners.
Source: The Arctic Century
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