It is important for both nations to keep this channel open to speak together. It can prevent accidents and misunderstandings between Norway and Russia, Lt. General Yngve Odlo, the Chief of the Norwegian Joint Headquarters, stated.
The protocol meeting was held aboard a Norwegian Coast Guard ship in Sør-Varanger municipality on October 5th. Lt. General Yngve Odlo met the Russian Lt. General Stanislav Maslov, Chief of the FSB's Border Directorate for the Western Arctic Region.
At the meeting, the parties discussed the ongoing state and perspectives for border cooperation, search and rescue activities, as well as fishery management.
The meeting was characterised by good dialogue and professionalism from both parties. It is important to carry out these meetings to discuss challenges and to agree on joint objectives and necessary measures on border and rescue cooperation, as well as fishery management, Odlo adds.
During the dialogue, both sides stressed that the challenges in the Barents Sea, the Norwegian Sea, and the country borders must be solved through open communication channels and by continuing the agreements that Norway and Russia have adopted.
The Russian delegation was from the Russian Federal Security Service's (FSB) Border Directorate for the Western Arctic Region. The Federal Border Guard Service has been part of the Federal Security Service (FSB) since 2003.
The Norwegian delegation consisted of representatives from the Norwegian Guard, the Norwegian Border Commissioner, and the Norwegian defense attachè in Moscow.
The cooperation on the Norwegian-Russian border is based on the border agreement between Norway and Russia from December 29, 1949. It is a historically rooted cooperation characterised by an open and good dialogue between the border guards of both countries.
Source: High North News
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