
The Arctic Station in Sakha Plans to Study the Earth’s North Magnetic Pole


The Research Station Samoylov Island. © Alfred-Wegener-Institut/Thomas Opel. Archiv des Alfred Wegener Instituts, Bremerhaven/CC BY-SA 3.0 de/Wikimedia Commons

Now the north magnetic pole of the Earth is shifting towards the Arctic coast of Russia, said the INGG SB RAS, and year-round observations at the research station will allow to conduct unique studies of this phenomenon

A magnetic observatory is planned to be organized at the Research Station Samoylov Island in the delta of the Lena River, where for ten years specialists have been studying permafrost in Sakha.

"Scientists believe that it is necessary to conduct research not only in the summer period but to more fully utilize the potential of a year-round station. Year-round measurements will require the organization of a carbon polygon and a magnetic observatory. The latter will make it possible to conduct unique studies of the north magnetic pole, which is currently moving towards the Arctic coast of the Russian Federation," the report says.

INGG SB RAS presented the program for the development of the research station as an international center for integrated research of the Arctic for 2023-2027. To preserve and develop the station, its large-scale renovation, repair and construction of new pavilions for the magnetic observatory are planned.

Experts plan to conduct year-round research at the station, in particular, unique studies of the north magnetic pole. Scientists also intend to organize applied research on renewable energy, materials science and geotechnical monitoring in the Arctic conditions at the Research Station Samoylov Island.

It is specified that INGG SB RAS received a targeted subsidy (RUB 55 million) for the purchase of fuel required for the operation of the Research Station Samoylov Island. This makes it possible to create a stock of fuel and lubricants for the stable operation of the station in the near future. Also, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation allocated a subsidy of RUB 5.5 million to replace diesel generator sets on the station.

The Research Station Samoylov Island

The Research Station Samoylov Island in the delta of the Lena River was built in 2010; since 2012, the Research Station Samoylov Island is owned and run by the Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is the only modern Arctic research station in Russia.

In the Lena Delta, research is being conducted in the fields of seismology, shallow seismic exploration and electrical resistivity tomography, geobotany, thermometry and geochemistry, stratigraphy and paleontology. This work continues earlier projects and adds to the understanding of the Arctic ecosystem. Access to the vicinity of the station within a radius of up to 200 km throughout the year is provided by several small vessels, all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles.



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